Students on hospital beds recall wall collapse moment

July 2, 2016 07:48 AM

Phurpa Dorje Gurung, 16, an 8th grader from Godamchaur
It was the second period and we were studying Nepali. We were about 30 students in the classroom. I was writing something and all of sudden I heard an unpleasant noise.


In no time, the prefabricated wall of our classroom pressed me hard from above with heavy stones. I lost consciousness. When I opened my eyes I was in a hospital bed, with God’s grace.  

Phurpa Tenjan, 14, also an 8th grader from Godamchaur
I was sitting a few benches behind the front row of my classroom.

There were sounds like a thunderstorm  from the back while I was busy reading out some lines from a book. Half my body was buried by heavy objects. While triying to pull myself free, I became unconscious. I thought I was at home when I opened my eyes but I found myself in hospital. I am thankful to everyone who saved me.  

Mahima Budhathoki, 14, another 8th grader from Godamchaur
It was about 10:45 a.m.. I heard some cracking sound and initially I thought it was an earthquake. Within minutes, I could see no one around me as I was buried under collapsed walls.

I tried to speak out but could not. Within a short time, our seniors pulled us out and rushed us to hospital. Till then I didn’t know what had really happened to me. I asked someone around me about the incident and managed to inform my mother at home. We are safe but extremely sad to learn that two of our juniors were killed.

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