The soul of a wanderer

August 30, 2019 11:36 am

Rishav Adhikari, better known as ‘Shutter Psycho’ lives to travel. Last year alone he spent 185 days on the road and this year too the numbers are nearing the same. A travel content creator based in Pokhara, Rishav travels all around Nepal for various photo video projects. He is also associated with the travel group ‘Ghumante’, a community of likeminded people who focus on traveling to less frequented places around Nepal to make videos and take photos to bring spotlight to these often ignored locations. To sum it up, he is living the proverbial dream.

POKHARA, June 17: With a sharp decrease in the number of fishes in Begnas Lake of Lekhnath due to rapid growth of water hyacinth (Jalkumbhi), local fishermen have started a campaign to clean the lake.

POKHARA, Jan 5: The Hotel and Restaurant Association Lekhnath is organizing the third edition of the Begnas Fish Festival from Falgun 24 at Mandare Park at Begnas Lake at Lekhnath Municipality in Pokhara.