Celebrating Indra Jatra

September 23, 2018 08:50 am

The erection of Indra Dhoj -- a single-tree wooden pole – officially marks the beginning of Indra Jatra. It is one of the major festivities celebrated by the local Newars of Kathmandu. On the first day, locals parade through the Upaku route -- Kwahiti, Bhimsensthan, Maru, Damai Tol, Naradevi, Chhetrapati, and Thanhiti – in memory of the deceased family member. The bereaved families then light up butter lamps along the same route, later in the evening.

Glory of Newars

April 12, 2018 01:30 am

The cultural sites that the Newars created eventually were owned by the larger community of Nepalis. They got finally accepted by the world community as world heritage sites