ROLPA, April 19: Gautam BK is just 13-years-old. The government policy promises free education for the children of his age. However, BK hardly knows this.

RUKUM, Jan 31: A person died of a stomach cancer in Rukum on Sunday night after failed attempts to draw financial assistance to seek a cure.

BEIJING, Sept 13: The killing of four children by their poverty-stricken mother -- who then committed suicide, followed by her husband -- sparked online outrage and debate in China Tuesday over the gap between rich and poor.

Pathari (Morang), June 10: The solar powered lights were distributed among poverty-stricken communities here in Mahadeva VDC in southern tip of Morang district on Thursday.  The District Development Committee-Morang, Girija Prasad Koirala Foundation and Consumers' Committee jointly distributed the solar lights to communities in the backburner.