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Vote for Best Candidate

Vote for Best Candidate

- by Saroj Wagle

In my mind, indeed, the upcoming election will be quite a tough job when it comes to demanding a vote for a particular party or an independent candidate. These days, each political candidate has promised to verbally make into his/her area more prosperous along with developmental activities. After all, winning matters a lot, no matter which party one may belong to. Similarly, an independent candidate does, too.

Wealth Management

Wealth Management

- by Saroj Wagle

Being a curious finance student, I often think about wealth management. Wealth management or money management, when done correctly, has wide-ranging benefits for investors of all kinds —large and small. This is the reason why wealth management has come to be associated with the rich and wealthy is because wealth is associated with the rich and wealthy. Wealth management is more than just investment advice, as it can encompass all parts of a person’s financial life. In fact, the wealth manager starts by developing a plan that will maintain and increase the client’s wealth based on the individual’s financial situation, goals and comfort level with risk.



- by Basanta Lohani

Your humility holds me spellbound Simplicity grips me further Having just come out from a closed door arena Filled with intellectual fumes

Bard's Song

Bard's Song

- by Bhoj Kumar Dhamala

The Queen Of all the times- Now in rest in the lap of omnipotent, People of all the time will remember you.

Matter of Common Sense

Matter of Common Sense

- by Saroj Wagle

Indeed, our world is more educated, fascinated, modernized and more techno-savvy than ever before. For a moment, keep aside all of these, but meanwhile, in our rat race to make progress, we often forget one important factor: which is — a big scarcity of ‘common sense.’

After Death....

After Death....

- by Rajeeb Shrestha

After death, I’ll die / we will die Then nobody cares That you existed Our physical body Will be buried or burnt Some may shade crocodile tears Real tears would be very rare

The Power of Poverty, Money and Love

The Power of Poverty, Money and Love

- by Saroj Wagle

When I think about (poverty, money and love), to my mind I can sense out that all of three are interrelated to each others. Before I’d like to write something about these issues, I remember a powerful quote by Bill Gates, “If you are born poor, it’s not your mistake, but if you die poor, it’s your mistake". Time and again I don’t know why, this quote is hit in my mind like a fire in a positive way rather than not in negative way. However, according to the World Economic Forum, it is painful to say that 263 million people could face extreme poverty in 2022 across the world. Let us do meaningful work in this regard so that poverty can be eradicated to some extent.

Monk O’ Nomadic One!

Monk O’ Nomadic One!

- by Rajeeb Shrestha

Lives a life in the path of divine! Thus peaceful is animated awake O’ thine!! Monk O’divine the sentient being! Crossing all the austerities How do you indeed control Your own frenzy in the soul?

Understanding Stock Market

Understanding Stock Market

- by Saroj Wagle

In fact, two of the basic concepts of stock market trading are “bull” and “bear” markets. On the one hand, the term bull market is used to refer to a stock market in which the price of stocks is generally rising. Quite interestingly, there is no specific and universal metric used to identify a bull market. Nonetheless, perhaps the most common definition of a bull market is a situation in which stock prices rise by 20% or more from recent lows. On the other hand, a bear market exists when stock prices are overall declining in price. A bear market occurs when a market experiences prolonged price declines. It typically describes a condition in which securities prices fall 20% or more from recent highs.

Dear Prolific Poet

Dear Prolific Poet

- by Diwakar Dhakal

Dear poet, by seeking the mightier pen Do not write the poem Your overwhelming feelings Will not be comprehensible by anyone From writing hand, instead of ink

Investing Mantras

Investing Mantras

- by Saroj Wagle

When I think about investing, I often remember the famous saying by Warren Buffett, “Rule Number One: Never Lose Money. Rule Number Two: Never Forget Rule Number One.” Yes, it is, indeed

Magazine road

Magazine road

- by Aakanchhya Neupane

The bell rings and I immediately run out of class for lunch. The sound of the loud middle school rattles my ears and I get to the cafeteria. I walk inside and there is the large, ear bleeding, cafeteria of Hillwood middle school. Maddie runs up to me. “Serena.Miller!! You have got to see this!” She points a magazine page in my face.

5 Jatras to observe in Nepal

5 Jatras to observe in Nepal

- by Manawi Shah

"Jatra" in the Nepali language means "street festivals", making the celebration a public and community affair. Here are some jatras you can observe throughout the year, with different historical and cultural significance, and portrayal of the celebration.

Ways to be productive this week

Ways to be productive this week

- by Manawi Shah

Are you looking to be productive this week? Or are you trying to set a habit of being productive every day when it comes to work? Here are a few things you can try, in order to have a better and productive time to complete your work, and have a good week.

The Business Of Metaverse

The Business Of Metaverse

- by Saroj Wagle

Have you ever heard about the metaverse? It is a set of technologies that allow for persistent, digital representations connected to aspects of the real world, like people, places, and things. Firstly, let us briefly understand the history of ‘metaverse’ by the term itself. The first use of the term ‘metaverse’ was in the 1992 science fiction novel “Snow Crash”, by Neal Stephenson, which described a single virtual world separate from the physical world. Other books, video games and content expanded on this concept, creating virtual worlds in “Ready Player One,” (which called its shared VR reality “the OASIS”), “The Matrix”, and “Second Life”, to name a few examples.

Simple ways to give back to the environment

Simple ways to give back to the environment

- by Manawi Shah

There are simple ways that you can do every day in order to help our environment. All these things are easy to accomplish on a day to day basis, and perhaps you can encourage your friends and family to do the same. The smallest of these changes create the biggest of effects on the environment. Good luck.

Five activities you can do in Kathmandu

Five activities you can do in Kathmandu

- by Manawi Shah

There may be days where you feel bored, and you want to do something entertaining. Watching movies, talking to friends is one thing, but here are five suggestions for something different you can try for a productive day. A great way to hang out with your friends, and have fun in a different way.