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Yes, financial freedom matters!

Yes, financial freedom matters!

- by Saroj Wagle

To quote Bill Gates, “If you are born poor it’s not your mistake, but if you die poor, it’s your mistake.” Most tellingly, I often read this quote when I think about financial freedom. First and foremost, let me define the term ‘financial freedom’ — which means having enough savings, financial investments, and cash on hand to afford the kind of life as we desire for ourselves and our families. And, of course, our size of mind is everything when it comes to making wealth in life. In other words, I mean to say that the thinking behavior of a person's mindsets at a time when he/she is thinking for wealth creation. No matter how much financial stress you're in today, there is always a way to achieve financial freedom in the long run.

The Call of the Mountains

The Call of the Mountains

- by Cindrella Mainali

You only realize the value of something when you do not have access to it anymore, whether it’s money, good health, or a good friend. For me, that something is the mountains. Growing up in Kathmandu, mountains always surround you from all sides. They greet you every morning, and if you’re an early riser, you may also spot the stunning snow-clad ranges twinkling in the morning sun. Mountains in Kathmandu are so common that you sometimes forget how beautiful they are. You treat them like a parent: you know they’re there, so you take them for granted.

Lurking for an insight!

Lurking for an insight!

- by Rajeeb Shrestha

In the darkest dream That I dared even to daydream,  I had a blind date with my creator And asked him a wringer; My Lord, what could be the purpose of my living with bestowed myopia on my soul? Am I to live a life of an owl?

Love Forever

Love Forever

- by Saroj Wagle

The term love, it is hard to define and difficult to express by words. Frankly speaking, love is the feeling of two souls, where I can see everything possible because of love. In fact, love has a powerful energy which gives us so much humbleness.

Thinking of showing some creativity? Here are five creative things to do

Thinking of showing some creativity? Here are five creative things to do

- by Manawi Shah

Here are some creative things that you could do to take up your time, instead of staring at the screen all day. Take ideas from the internet, and be creative just the way you like. These things are also beneficial for the environment, as the reusing and recycling methods are used during creativity.

Five summer essentials for your next beach holiday

Five summer essentials for your next beach holiday

- by Agencies

Packing for a holiday should never feel like a chore. Especially, when you’re jet-setting to white beaches or planning your next outfit for a beach sundowner. You don't want to pack extra nor do you want to pack less. Packing the right number of things, especially for your skin and body to ensure it stays hydrated and moisturized becomes imminent.

Rules of life

Rules of life

- by Shaharoul Islam Sujon

A new guest came to earth with a smile on his parents' face. From that day onwards, a new life began.

A letter to you…

A letter to you…

- by Shraddha Rai

Oh, the way you said, “I love you….so muchhh.” It’s etched in my heart, Continuously replayed in my mind.

Dear Dream City

Dear Dream City

- by Diwakar Dhakal

I have come all the way from hell Where I had witnessed hell-scape For a thousand years Now, I don’t want to go back Until, I find my dream city If I can’t find it I have to return back to hell So, I’m compelled to seek



- by Basanta Lohani

I allowed him to misuse me Because of my much wider wings of friendship He thought it was my reliance on his inherited intellectuality Can intellectuality be inherited?

Cartoon of my own!

Cartoon of my own!

- by Rajeeb Shrestha

I see a cartoon of My own Within my self depiction. It walks with me As my own mirage, Sings with me A toodle-oo of My perpetual collage, Nowadays, It talks to me So very often Of my tears soften Along with Work stress Or self distress!

Find out sacred place to worship and sink into peace away from all those negativity and toxicity. Here are five popular temples to visit at Bhaktapur

Find out sacred place to worship and sink into peace away from all those negativity and toxicity. Here are five popular temples to visit at Bhaktapur

- by Samiksha Shrestha

Thomas S. Monson states, "I think there is no place in the world where I feel closer to the Lord than in one of His holy temples." in the general conference ‘Blessings of the Temple’. This holds true as one finds peace and see life from a new perspective. Those who are lost in the chaos of world will again gain faith and hope. If you want to find out sacred place to worship and sink into peace away from all those negativity and toxicity, here are five temples for you to visit at Bhaktapur.

Five home décor to customize your new house

Five home décor to customize your new house

- by Samiksha Shrestha

As it is said, “Your home should reflect and tell the story of who you are, and be a collection of what you love.” So, to make your house a reflection of your story, here are five home décor tips to customize and personalize your new house.